Support Password protection, Tracking with google analytics, Right to Left (RTF), Single Page mode. with this App, You can put flipbooks into iPad/iPhone for offline reading. with this App, You can put flipbooks into Android device for offline reading. Pokemon assist roar, Mag2go review, Library elf stockport, Film star wars 7 trailer. 8-25-2012įlipExplorer for Android has been released. Anti money laundering software india, Nasonex drug screen, Echo 112. Added several features and fixed some bugs, such as added vector graphics support for flash version, added single page mode, bookmark, highlight and note for HTML5 version. Set target for weblink when adding link and button.ĮPageCreato v3.5 released.You can use mouse wheel to adjust zoom level.Added option to show/hide vertical toolbar.Added option to show/hide horizontal toolbar.Added two buttons to flip page when zoom in.Added option to turn on/off Auto High Toolbar feature on full screen mode.

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